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The buzz of a busy bee

The word “busy” is a great savior for this mortal human world. It can get one out of many tricky and not so comfortable situations with tremendous ease. Did you intentionally or unintentionally forget to keep an appointment? No problem ma’am/sir. Promptly announce you were busy with loads of work. You can slip away like sand from all the troubles you brought upon yourself. Believe me, it works like miracle. The frustrated soul who has been waiting for you to turn up and whose frustrations have now transformed into F16 bombers to blast you gets immediately pacified like an infant who has been shoved with a rubber nipple or pacifier.  The other person’s anger melts like ice and you will be pardoned from definite death penalty and a good thing about this is you don’t even have to apologize.  If you are lucky and your nemesis is low on IQ and high on EQ, you may end up profiting his/her sympathies.

If you are too lazy to tidy your house up or if you can’t make your mind to clean yourself up or if you don’t feel like taking any responsibilities and initiatives or if you don’t feel like honoring your commitments and promises or if you want to avoid some people, one thing that works like silver bullet is the excuse “I am extremely busy with my work”. Laze around; flirt with female/male colleagues, boost your popularity cracking dirty jokes to like-minded colleagues, take 20 coffee breaks and another 10 cigarette breaks, indulge with internet for graffiti and gossip, remove all the words from your vocabulary that closely or remotely means “efficiency” or “effectiveness”, forget the deadlines but don’t forget to get back home late and advertise to your near and dear ones how busy you had been the whole day. You look impressive, sincere, hardworking and appear like a loyal warrior waging a mammoth war to keep the firm’s figure in shape.  Forget others, sometimes our own conviction in our busy state grows deep enough to make gods insecure and jehadis look ridiculous.

Being “busy” also helps you to make your boss a villain and provides an opportunity to bash him/her left right and center.  Oh yeah we all need some one to bash up either physically or emotionally or mentally else we’ll end up either in NIMHANS or on some peak of Himalayas. It also gives you an access to attain the ultimate pleasure of criticizing the whole world around you. Ah what a rapture. It’s like having multiple orgasms on a full moon night. You get to blame your boss, blame your organization, blame the stock holders and investors, blame the board directors and their policies, blame the HR department, blame the finance department …well everyone but yourself and still be a hero like Ulysses (or Odysseus) who goes on and on and on despite all the adversities. It helps you become a person of character and conviction.

You know what? After more than 10 days, I’ve come up with a posting. No prizes for guessing the reason behind this. I was too freakin’ "busy"


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